Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

a poem from ardine :)

I Miss You

Though you are not here
wherever I go or whatever I do
I see your face in my mind
and I miss you so
I miss telling you everything
I miss showing you things
I miss our eyes
secretly giving each other confidence
I miss your touch
I miss our excitement together
I miss everything we share
I don't like missing you
It is a very cold
and lonely feeling
I wish that I could be
with you right now
where the warmth of our love
would melt the winter snows
But since I can't be
with you right now
I will have to be content
just dreaming about
when we'll be together again

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Midori Days ending song lyric (translated)

so before i knew it
i was thinking about you
it seemed terribly embarrassing
and terribly unpleasant
... because I'm afraid
of conveying my feeling

even its in my head
my heart can't do a thing
when i see you, as i always to talk,
so that you won't figure me out

my composure gone and in pain,
i wind up lying to you


a little more, a little more
if i get little closer to your heart

a little more, a little more
...so that this moment wont disappear

God, please grant me courage


Jumat, 09 September 2011

Linkin Park - Iridescent

When you were standing in the wake of devastation
when you were waiting on the edge of the unknown
with the cataclysm raining down, insides crying save me now
you were there and possibly alone.

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failiures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go, let it go.

And in the burst of light that blinded every angel
as if the sky had blown the heavens into stars
you felt the gravity of temper grace falling into empty space
no one there to catch you in there arms

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failiures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go, let it go.

(Multiple Voices)
Do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failiures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go,

let it go
let it go
let it go
let it go

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failiures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go, let it go.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Senin, 05 September 2011

Sabtu, 03 September 2011


Aku berdiri di tempat ramai, Ada ardine di seberang sana... Ya, saat itu ardine lari kearahku hingga dia mendekap erat dadaku... Terasa sekali, aku kira itu semua nyata hingga kuberusaha memeluk ardine balik hingga aku terbangun...
Sesaat masih belum pudar air mata mengalir dari pipinya, kenapa belum sempat kuseka? Kenapa saat itu aku terbangun?
Aku ingin sekali terbayang kembali suasananya, tetapi terlambat. Ingatan keburu pudar... Hanya ini yang bisa aku selamatkan.

Mungkin aku terlalu kangen dia.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

arguing hadist

Andi Makkuraga Hidayat, Sela.jayani

View Chat History
Andi Makkuraga Hidayat: Emang kamu baca didampingi ahli tafsirnya siapa sel? =D
Andi Makkuraga Hidayat: Ohya, perlu sela tau, aku ga bilang sela fitnah pemerintah... Yang buat fitnah itu yang buat BM... Tapi sela bijaklah dalam milih BM yang mau disampaikan... Kalau sekiranya ga berguna dan meresahkan dan malah bikin perkara ga usah BM gpp O:)
Andi Makkuraga Hidayat: Ohya, aku menarik banget tentang perbedaan tafsir hadist kita :D itu hadist udah aku baca lama banget waktu kelas 1 sma dari buku hadist sahih, aku lupa riwayat siapa tapi aku ga mungkin ngasih tau ke orang kalau hadistnya ga bener... Kalau sela tafsirnya sampai hapal gitu, berarti sela masih tau dong itu riwayat siapa... Atau mungkin ahli tafsirnya tau :p
muak: Aku ga tau itu makur, tp pas aku td baca kebetulan di sini lg ada om2 ku, terus aku penasaran kan, aku nanya ke om ku, terus om ku bilangnya gitu..
muak: Lgpl itu bukan fitnah makur, pemerintah sendiri mengakui kesalahannya tadi siang di RCTI,
muak: Jadi target nya aja udah mengakui..
muak: Sekarang gini, ada hadis yg mengatakan shalat tahajud harus tidur dulu.. Tapi, menurut beberapa ulama, tahajud tidak harus tidur, misal kan seseorang sedang resah dan dalam masalah, tentu tidak mudah baginya untuk tidur, apakah kemudian dia tidak boleh tahajud..
muak: Lagipula bukannya kmrn org2 gembor2 untuk menghargai perbedaan waktu shalat ied, lantas kalau skrng ada beberapa umat yg memprotes pemerintah atas kesalahannya, bukankah itu juga perbedaan? Kenapa perbedaan yg itu tidak dihargai? Selama broadcast itu benar dan tidar menimbulkan fitnah, jadi ya aku share.. Karna aku ga melihat fitnah.. Pemerintah sendiri sudah mengakui kan.. Makanya kalau mau menentang perbedaan, kuatkan dulu informasi..
muak: Dan cara mengargumentasikan nya lebih bijak lah pake kata2nya, tidak men judge.. Perkataan kan cermin kepribadian..
muak: Tidak semua Hadist diartikan mutlak, kalau mutlak, maka memiliki istri lebih dr 1 itu mutlak.. Dan kembali ke hadist itu sendiri, kalau dikerjakan mendapat pahala, kalau tidak dikerjakan tidak mendapat dosa..
Bukankah berbicara dgn sesama manusia ada tata caranya, katanya makur sering baca hadist, berarti tau dong tata cara yg sopan menurut ajaran islam gmn, tau dong menjaga hab'lum minannas gmn caranya? Dan tau dong perkataan yg seperti apa yg kiranya menyinggung perasaan sesama nya..
muak: *tidak semua hadist dan ayat quran diartikan mutlak
muak: Jadi intinya, saya tidak merasa menyebar fitnah..
muak: Jadi hadist itu dipakai kalau ragu akan datangnya hilal, skrng ragu itu sendiri di ragu yg bagaimana dulu?? Apakah pemerintah benar2 ragu atau kurang korelasi dgn negara lain?? Memang di dalam musyawarah kmrn ada ulama2 dan pakar agama dr berbagai pihak, tp apakah keputusannya kemudian pasti benar.. Tau sendiri pemerintah indonesia seperti apa? Lantas bukan tidak mungkin. Kan dalam hal keagamaan pun ada kesalahan.. Kalau pemerintah kita ragu dalam melihat hilal, lantas kenapa malaysia tidak, letak indonesia dgn malaysia berdekatan.. Dan seharus nya sama2 bisa melihat hilal dr sisi yg tidak berbeda jauh, dan lantas kenapa muhamadiyah bisa menentukan 1 syawal hari ini.. Nah disitu tentu dipertanyakan dong keputusan pemerintah itu? Kenapa kesalahannya bisa begitu kontras..
muak: Berarti kan ragu nya itu versi pemerintah, mungkin disini yg om ku maksud hadist tadi dipakai kalau benar2 sudah tidak ada lg yg bisa di buat pegangan, benar2 semua ragu, (alternatif terakhir) tp ini kan ada pihak2 yg tau, pihak2 yg tidak ragu..
Andi Makkuraga Hidayat: Ya iya aku bilang cuma jadi fitnah dan ga guna kalau misalnya pengumuman jam 1, tapi BM kalau puasa haram jam 6 lewat (waktu buka puasa). -___-
HAHAHAHA kamu marah sel?

I just laugh and little bit confuse why she blame at me? -____-
I thought I was tell him nicely

Let we see what BM that I mean
Sory Copy dr teman : Mau Share aja..... syapa tau penting infonya boleh prcaya boleh tidak..

Hilal terlihat subuh tdi! Semalem hilal tertutup venus! Arab Saudi, Malaysia, Singapura, Mesir, Qatar, Bahrain, Yordaniah, dan Uni Emirat Arab lebaran pada hari ini ! Hukum org yg berpuasa pada waktu 1 syawal adalah haram!
Pemerintah akhirnya mengakui. Bahwa hari raya idul fitri di tetapkan pada hari ini 30Agustus 2011.
Di SaudiArabia, Malaysia, Jepang, Libya, Qatar, Mesir, UEA, dan negara2 lainnya serempak menjalankan shalat ied/hari raya idul fitri hari ini. Hadits menyebutkan : Apabila 'Takbiran' sudah berkumandang maka haram bagi nya yang masih berpuasa.

Astagfirullah.. Agama bukan permainan perdebatan. If you care forward this broadcast message. Sorry for BM, I care about islam. Lanjutkan terus BM ini biar sampai ke pemerintah biar tahu kalo mereka membuat keslahan fatal !
And she BM it in 6.18 PM (peoples had have a Buka Puasa)

And I argue with
Hahaha... Hilal tertutup maka jadikan aja puasa 30 hari.
Ada hadistnya aku lupa riwayat siapa, kalau hilal tertutup awan, genapkan aja puasa 30 hari
Ga usah nyebar fitnah sel :) apalagi yang kaya gini, meresahkan. Ga ada untungnya malah bikin perpecahan

And she start to blame at me

Tapi di hadist itu kalau hilal tertutup awan sesuai kesepakatan bersama, tp kalau ada salah satu faham yg sudah bisa melihat hilal dr sisi lain, maka tidak berlaku yg di genapkan 30 hari itu kur.. Makanya kalau baca hadist didampingi ahli tafsir, jgn diartikan sendiri..
Lgpl itu bukan fitnah, pemerintah sendiri tadi siang sekitar jam 1 an di RCTI mengumumkan kok keteledorannya, dan meminta bagi yg berpuasa harap dibatalkan, karna 1 syawal jatuhnya hari ini, jd haram berpuasa..

I can't stop thinking, why government announce that they made wrong decision at RCTI???? Despite they have TVone and Metro... :D
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Thinking as a governor

Yesterday I doing almost same like before, but I didn't heard Ardine's voice yesterday .

Last night I search many internet cafe that support webcam and skype, but I can found no one have it of it after I going around my area with motorcycle :( (and very surprisingly that I found warnet didn't know what skype is it). Oh my gosh :( I really want back to yogyakarta.

I thinking a lot, why this city provide many good hotel, good infrastructure, but they don't have a good education (or infrastructure of education like internet).
I think the governor want to invited many investor to get the natural resource, remind that this region have many potential natural resource.
But how about the this region citizen, governor doesn't provide a good education, even the scholarship. This region have a few local entrepreneur, high Gap, and lack of food distribution.
I wonder which way the governor choose to develop this province.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Today I almost doing nothing productive :|

I woke up in 3 o'clock after I dream about ardine, and I realized Ardine text me 24 minute before I wake :( I wish I wake earlier than that...
I ate Indomie Kuah and kering tempe, sederhana, tapi suasananya ga bisa dibeli :) remind me a lot to when I was child.
Than I sleep at near 4:30

I woke up again at 8, and I helping my father and mother to clean up my house. My house keeper mudik to Sampit today, so no one helping my father and mother to do this a day. I clean up my yard, feed yakob (I must picture it he is very cute), and wash my cloth. Etc etc until 9. At 9 30 ardine DM-ing me :D I was very happy when I see she message me. Thanks for you DM

And after that all my day just to watch HBO and Cinemax at TV. Not a good movie but its good to pass the time, and I lying on my bed after that... Nothing productive until 5, I continues to clean up (ironing) my clothes.

I ended my fasting with ate spaghetti, and I called Ardine after that. Not a cheap call, but I feeling good after called her :) thanks for your time my dear.

That's all for today :D
Thanks for your time to read it. If you find a wrong grammar or bad english, you can write it in comment page, I will appreciate it :)
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

not in good mood

aku pingin sendiri
bukan karena aku pingin sendiri
tapi karena aku merasa sendiri
aku merasa sepi

sepi itu seperti lampu yang menyala ditengah laut
tak ada yang peduli
lebih baik dia mati
lebih hemat energi

aku sendiri merasa sepi
lebh baik biarkan aku pergi
aku tak peduli
aku tidak bahagia

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

this day i started my first day being alone at home, and i feel lonely.
but its may be not as bad as i imagine about.
the good thing is no one know i am sad, no one know i am feel weird, and no one cares about me...
but still feel lonely

oh yeah, i want to forget everything about yesterday... i hope i can amnesia for 1 day

tonight i eat zuppa soup, Ardine suggest it for me
its feels tasty, but not good
i don't have any idea what kinda food can feel good for eaten while you feel sad

i sleep earlier than
here i am... tuesday 26 july 2011...

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

aku terlalu bego untuk ungkapin sesuatu! aku terlalu payah untuk mengerti! bahkan aku ngerasa aku ga berguna sama sekali!! apa aku sepayah itu :'(
sekarang dia lebih baik sendiri dibandingkan bersama aku, yang aku rasain adalah
dia tidak memilih aku
lebih baik sendirian

akungerasa aku useless ga bisa nenangin dia sedih
bahkan aku ngerasa tolol karena bikin dia marah+kesal
apa aku sebangsat itu untuk tega mengintimidasi pacar aku sampe nangis :'(

aku ga bisa mikir apa-apa lagi
mungkin kalau nangis itu banci aku sudah jadi banci
tanganku terus aja berputar
mengotori timeline membuat keyboard rusak karena ngetik pake emosi

aku ga mengerti harusnya gimana
mungkin kalau ada kursus bagaimana cara mengerti wanita aku sebaiknya ikut sjaa
kaena kau kurang bisa engerti wanita
aku tidak bisa membuat dia bahagia :'(

aku rindu

aku ingin menjadi angin
yang bisa selalu datang ke tempatmu
karena aku ingin
membuat kamu bahagia

aku ingin menjadi air
yang bisa selalu menyejukanmu
dikala kamu panik
dan saat sedih
karena apapun

aku ingin menjadi hujan
yang deras datang membasahi sekitarmu
agar kamu tidak panas saat aku tiada
dan kamu senang

aku rindu kamu

harus giat

today is the second day after my last meeting with ardine for a years, i know i still felling so blue but i must recover as soon as possible

my day is not good enough, i feel weird, like i want sleeping all over a day but i dint feel sleepy., i wanna go to somewhere (i sure you know where i want to go), or i wanna go to places that i remembered well... like ketep, or jadah mbah carik, or air terjun kaliurang, or puncak kaliurang, or her kost, or goebok steak, or many more...

i had my worst test ever :( my point just 55 of 100... sucks!

i had lunch at bu mulyo... i just wanted to lunch there alone... and like i guess before, mbak-mbak bu mulyo ask me why i going there alone... she said weird to see if i go alone instead i always go anywhere with ardine before.. fiuh.. and i ate 3 makmur crackers (ardine very like it) ... :9 yummy

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

10 months we has walking together :)

every moment i have with you is priceless
i can feel every second with you until now...

bulan ini berbeda dengan bulan lalu atau bulan-bulan sebelumnya
bulan memang sama tapi
jarak terlalu kejam memisahkan kita
kamu ada di jakarta, sudah 3 minggu terpisah seperti ini...
aku ga bisa dapat membayangkan kalau kamu sudah dijakarta
karena bukan hanya jarak yang kejam
bahkan perbedaan waktu bisa mengiris hati tajam

hari ini hari yang panjang bagi aku
sudah saatnya aku meninggalkan jakarta dari 3 hari 2 malam aku disana
cukup lama tapi terlalu singkat bagi aku untuk menikmati waktu bersamanya
mungkin aku kurang bisa enjoy karena aku teringat hal yang sangat menyedihkan
hal yang menyedihkan?
ya, mungkin saja saat itu saat yang terakhir aku bertemu ardine untuk satu tahun kedepan
aku berusaha untuk tetap tegar
walaupun sebenarnya aku lebih baik diam disuatu tempat bersamanya menikmati pemandangan berdua hanya berdua
tapi kemarin adalah 2 hari yang sangat menyenangkan
moment yang berharga bagi aku

mungkin derasnya galau belum bisa terhapus
terlalu perasa hatiku untuk kedinginan sendiri
mungkin aku hanya belum siap sendiri
semoga saja waktu bisa menghangatkanku kembali
hari ini aku galau
ya teringat selama waktu yang lama dia di yogyakarta
mungkin aku masih terlalu ciut untuk menerima kenyataan

aku ke rempah asia hari ini
hahaha entah mengapa kepalaku kosong tak ada yang dipikirkan
mungkin karena terhenyak mengetahui ujian Statistik 2 besok
atau mungkin karena belum terbiasa dan merasakan ada lubang yang dibawanya pergi ke tempat yang jauh
tapi tubuh ini merespon secara ajaib
aku tidak sengaja ke rempah asia
aku ga tau harus gimana akhirnya memesan mangga lassi
mungkin karena banyak kenangan tentang mangga lassi
dulu aku sempat gagal dimarahin dia karena dia lupa aku lagi batuk tapi tetap meminum mangga lassi
dia juga memesankan minuman itu buat aku karena dia tau sekali aku suka sekali mangga
hehehe :") aku berhenti nulis tentang rempah asia
terlalu manis dan banyak, aku ga bisa terus nulis

setelah itu otakku masih dalam hibernate
yang aku tau aku dipanggil mama untuk makan bersama ke bu santi
tetapi entah kenapa aku tiba-tiba sadar aku ada di depan kostannya dia
hahaha... sudah ke 8 kali dalam 3minggu terakhir ini terjadi

sudahlah... cukup untuk galau :)
aku sudah 10 bulan bersama dia
mungkin bagi orang ini sudah cukup lama
tapi menurut saya ini berjalan terlalu cepat
aku bahkan merasa ini terlalu cepat :(
aku ingin mengulangi bulan ke 7 dan ke 6 saat kamu sering berantem
sekarang aku menyesal
aku masih pingin bersama dia sampai rambut bau semir
kata orang "ngapain kita berharap tinggi sementara kemungkinan putus akan selalu ada"
tapi bagi aku dia sangat berharga untuk diharapkan
semoga dia tetap ingin bersama aku
semoga dia tetap sayang sama aku
semoga Allah memberi kami kekuatan

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

kepada segala ingin

Kalau saja
Kalender tak punya nama hari
Mungkin pohon-pohon tak akan tahu
Sepucuk daun telah gugur
menuruni jalan ini

Ketika terik hari
Menyentuh ujung paling basah, pada
rambut bocah-bocah tepi jalan

Di taman lengang
Gadis kecil menari, pada hampa bunga-bunga
Matanya melekukkan sebuah sungai
yang kerap jadi mimpinya
Sepatu kaca, kaleng-kaleng kaca, atau langit merah muda,
kata-kata yang ingin

Sementara kunang-kunang
Menelip cahaya, di ranting pilu
Memainkan lampu-lampu kuning
diantara gelas-gelas bir
dengan canda atau tawa yang percuma

Mungkin kelak sayapnya
Lekas senyap
Ketika suara denting
bergulir, jadi busa bir
yang sia-sia

Dan kalau saja kalender tak punya nama hari
Mungkin memang ada seseorang
Memanggil kita di ujung tikungan

Membawakan hari yang lebih dari hari
Sepotong es krim biru muda, dan bunga-bunga
untuk taman lengang
untuk setiap orang

Kepada segala ingin
Pohon-pohon hijau
Dan kaleng-kaleng kecil
Segalanya tak berjarak
Ketika tak ada lagi nama hari

Sebab kelak
Mungkin tak ada kecupan atau selimut tidur
Untuk kita

-Frischa Aswarini-

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Alun-alun Yogyakarta

Yesterday she left to Jakarta and not come back again in Yogyakarta until 1 years she had in netherlands.
This picture taken by my sister at Alun-alun Yogyakarta, 1 day before she left...
i think i am okay now, but i always thinkin about when she left to netherland what i gonna do to met her... do i go to netherland too or not?
i have searched on internet and i found that the price for going to netherland is about 13 million rupiah... not a good price for me who only get 1 million rupiah for a month... >.<
i must struggle with this condition... i choose to start built relationship with a girl who want continiues her study to netherland, and i dont want to stop it now... this is not the dead end for me and my girl... this is only a 'rintangan' (maybe an obstacle in english word)...

when it passed, the good thinks will come for us :)
Posted by Picasa

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

satu minggu lagi

aku harus siap, ini pilihanku
aku harus siap aku sendirian saat malam sepi
aku harus siap aku sendirian saat aku ingin makan pagi
aku harus siap saat aku harus sendirian saat sepi
aku harus siap sendirian saat memulai hari
aku harus siap sendirian saat aku ingin tertawa, bercanda, dan menggurau
aku harus siap tak ada rambut indah yang bisa aku elus dengan lembut
aku harus siap tak ada senyum manis yang bisa aku lihat untuk menyemangati hari yang gelap
aku harus siap tak ada yang benar-benar mengerti saat aku sedih, saat aku kehilangan sesuatu, saat aku membutuhkan kehangatan
aku harus siap tak ada lagi pembunuh waktu yang paling hebat sejagat raya bersama orang tercantik dan aku sayang selama menunggu makanan di restaurant
aku harus siap tak ada lagi tertawa saat di sate congcat
aku harus siap tak ada lagi yang selalu merindukan asia raya
aku harus siap tak ada lagi yang melarang aku makan vitsin di nasi goreng depan laundry
aku harus siap tak ada lagi yang mengkhawatirkan aku benar-benar khawatir hingga rela nangis saat aku pulang kemalaman
aku harus siap tak ada lagi yang mengkritikku karena celanaku robek dengan tawanya yang lembut
aku harus siap tak ada lagi yang bisa marah-marah, sebel, serta kesal ke aku... ya aku pasti akan rindu hal ini
aku harus siap tak ada lagi yang memboncengi aku dengan pelukan seperti anak umur 5 tahun memeluk aku dari belakang
aku harus siap tak ada lagi yang membuatkan aku masakan yang dia masak sepenuh hati jiwa dan raga... aku pasti sangat rindu
aku harus siap tak ada lagi yang bakal bilang celana jeansku bau karena terlalu lama dipakai... hanya dia yang akan bilang seperti itu :)
aku harus siap tak ada lagi perayaan tanggal 20 bersama-sama... semua habis karena lag waktu yang ada
aku harus siap tak ada lagi yang akan bilang terserah saat memilih tempat makan, mengesalkan, tapi itu benar-benar aku rindu dan khas dari dia
aku harus siap tak ada lagi yang bilang aku bayi dan mengajakku bicara bayi...
aku harus siap jika nanti aku linglung karena beratnya kehilangan yang aku sangat sayangi ya allah

mengapa begitu biru...
satu tahun begitu berat ya Allah

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Kasih Putih

sedalam yg pernah kurasa
hasratku hanyalah untukmu
terukir manis
dalam renunganku jiwamu jiwaku menyatu

reff: biarkan kurasakan
hangatnya sentuhan kasihmu
bawa daku penuhiku
berilah diriku
kasih putih di hatiku
(kudatang padamu kekasihku)
kucurahkan isi jiwaku
hanya padamu
dalam air itu
kau bawa selamanya diriku
back to reff

Senin, 30 Mei 2011

why you dont thinkin about mine prespective

i know your late, but dont you know what i was do for you dont late?
i know your hungry, then i give some food to you so you can eat when you wake up, than why you anger when i dont ask you if you have wake or no? did i know? did i should ask it everyday?
i know your anger to me, than why you dont realize that i not the man who give you a worst think everyday...

why you always angry to me?.

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

My Toefl Score

I have get my toefl score Open-mouthed smile did I tell you? Smile with tongue out I had test at 14 may and at least I get my toefl score Surprised smile

For listening comprehension I get 53 point;

For Structure and written Expression I get 43 point; and

for Reading Comprehension I get 47 point.

not good enough, my total score is 487 point, loses about 13 point for reach my target, 500 point.

and I still signup to be an ambassador… I hope after be an ambassador, my toefl score will increase Open-mouthed smile

Jumat, 29 April 2011

kaki langit

langit gelap membuat mata tak dapat berkilah
seakan menghisap perhatian tengadah ke atas di tengah jalan yang ramai
lampu tidak lebih menarik dari hitam
tidak sempurna billboard simpati, tapi membuatku terbelalak entah kenapa

Hati terasa tak berdaya menyelami mengarungi legam malam
merasuki ranah yang tak kujumpa sebelumnya
bagai simfoni senandung tapi tak bernada
abstrak tapi merobek dada hingga tak berdaya hati ini

sejelek itu, tidak,
meskipun hitam tapi aku suka
serasa aku dan tuhan dekat hanya dibatasi polusi
di kaki langit, ya aku berada disana

menggapaiku kesebuah ketidak beradaan
tak ada yang bisa kuranah
"hei tak kau rasa isi hatiku? aku temanmu bukan musuhmu"
tapi tak ada mendengarnya

tak bisa kugapai, tak apa, biginipun aku tenang
hangat malam sehangat maladewa
senandung sepi membeduk gendang telingaku sepi
aku termakan oleh gelap malam

tak kurasa lagi hati
raga meraja menjadi raja
dan nafsuku menjadi ratu
amarah merah membakar oksigen, api serasa keluar tiada henti dari hati yang telah mati
kurasa naruni sudah usang

ingin kucaci maki semua orang, yang melawan
ingin aku dirikan aku disemua orang
ingin kuhancurkan, kurusakan, kutendang-tendang semua yang kurasa hampa
akan kurobekan bumi dengan amarah

aku tak butuh siapapun
sudah lengkap disini dengan raja dan ratuku akan kukuasai semua yang ada
aku tak butuh apapun lagi kecuali Tuhan
Tuhan yang menyayangi aku

terhentak dari atas motor diteriaki truk dibelakangku
ternyata hanya lamunan 120 detik dibawah kaki langit
kugayuh motorku melewati semua orang yang aku benci

Astaghfirulah, lampu merah mengangkat aku kedalam mimpi
ternyata aku hanya terlarut dalam gelap
terlarut itu enak, inikah rasanya menjadi gula?

dibawah kaki langit, aku diinjak oleh mimpi
aku hidup dalam dunia yang beda, mungkin dapatkah aku masih harap semua yang fana?
didalam gelap aku mencoba fana tapi lewatlah sudah, waktu yang lapar sudah memakannya
mungkin jika Tuhan masih ingin, kaki langit akan datang lagi kepadaku
mungkin jika Waktu memuntahkannya kembali, aku akan berada disana lagi
dibawah kaki langit, dimana semua bisa terjadi

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

sebisa mungkin

jangan pernah meninggalkan apa yang membuat kamu
apa yang membuat kamu melangkah?
apa impian kamu?
apa yang kamu targetkan?
apa yang telah kamu lakukan?

dan saya?
rupanya masih belum jelas....

Dua dilema antara bebas atau BEM, sungguh berat. jujur jika saya menginginkan pembelajaran, organisasi, dan lain-lain saya bisa saja masih ikut Himiespa atau SEF... tapi kenapa harus BEM???

ya, aku sudah menolak Himiespa dan SEF. lalu kenapa saya harus menerima BEM?
saya harus semangat! strik kepada garis baku yang pernah aku buat
1 tahun kedepan IPK saya ga kurang dari 3.3!!!
1 tahun kedepan saya sudah punya bisnis kecil banget! mulai dari mikro!!

apakah itu dengan mudah bisa didapatkan dengan ikut bem?
sekarang saya harus melihat. saya ikut HDE, maka untuk siapa saya berjuang
Fungsi H D E = menghubungkan BEM dengan luar melalui hubungan diplomasi yang kuat.
lalu untuk siapa itu berjuang?
apa saya berjuang untuk rakyat?
apa sudah berpikir untuk siapa saya berjuang jika hanya hasilnya nanti dinikmati oleh BEM saja?
oke, mungkin bukan cuma buat BEM
tapi KASTRAT sendiripun sudah bisa untuk menghubungkan dirinya langsung (tarikan) dari BEM KM!!
jadi HDE cuma sebagai dewan delegasi saja? sebagai pengatur kunjungan dan mengunjungi???
oke mungkin bukan cuma itu, tapi saya taunya hanya itu. maybe lebihnya nanti hanya sekedar main-main sama saja seperti Himiespa... (yang sayangnya tidak bisa saya benahi)

saya harus egois kali ini.
Logika harus main kata pak faried wijaya
1. saya tidak pintar-pintar banget, di kelas saya aktif, tapi diluar kelas megang buku jarang
2. saya menegjar targetan besar Toefl 600 dan IPK naik signifikan
3. saya punya potensi (kata semua orang, padahal menrut saya semua orang punya potensi)
4. saya ganteng (nah ini jelas)

dengan saya ikut BEM apa nanti membantu saya atau tidak?
waktu sangat terbatas
kata orang TIME = MONEY
berarti TIME = PRICE
berarti, jika quantity saya banyakan maka harga waktu akan semakin langka
maka quantity harus saya perkecil agar waktu menjadi melimpah
harapan saya jika waktu melimpah saya akan lebih banyak waktu untuk belajar
TAPI, kembali lagi ke facts nomor 1
apakah waktu yang melimpah akan saya pakai waktu untuk belajar?
oke, kita melihat lagi ke model sebelumnya.
jika waktu semakin langka maka waktu yang saya pakai belajar akan tambah sedikit.

jika memakai presentasi
jika Waktu belajar 10% dari total waktu kosong, maka quantity kecil lebih menguntungkan

jika memakai nominal
jika waktu belajar 3 jam, maka both nilai sama.

tetapi dengan waktu yang langka, waktu belajar bisa semakin tergerus, dan sayangnya di dunia kebanyakan terjadi adalah presentase waktu.

bagaimana dengan marwah?
maaf, saya harus merelakan keegoisan saya untuk berjalan. saya tidak mampu jika saya menanggung beban hidup saya.
apakah graha mau mempertanggung jawabkan IP saya? apakah marwah mau membantu saya belajar? apakah BEM mau mempertanggung jawabkan jika IP saya 1.0?

saya akan menolak graha untuk deputi HDE.
saya minta maaf graha jika saya menolak. sungguh ini keputusan yang berat dan mengecewakan bagi kamu.
saya minta maaf.

sekarang saatnya melangkah lagi menuju GOLD yang saya inginkan.

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Pakde Prap quote

While you learn the theory, you must practically more than you have learned. While you enjoying your life, you must understand, how make your life’s life.

When you are 20th years old, you must prepare when you are 30th, when you are young, you must prepare when you being old. So do it now, not when other.

Both me and your dad has done a very hard work, then now we want to see you do like we do, and I want you do more younger than me. Because when you were old, you realize than time is so priceless.

Manage your money is important, but manage your time is more important.

Nothing you can do when you think is hard. When you want to do something, the chance to succeed is have no different.

To do something big is hard, but when you do it teamed, is more helpful.

you get money from a little, but when you realized what you get is bigger than you expected if you do seriously. 

Imposible is nothing when...

When you want to do something, first you think are you can to do that. When you think about that you must have feel you cannot do that, even is just a tiny bit feeling.  So if I were you, I stop thinking about that and I do what you want to do, even is impossible, why? Because I believe that 1 % of success is not exist, that only in our mind. When you want to do something, just think only 1 % of fail.

Did impossible is exist?

Yes, impossible always exist but only in our mind. I give you an example, many years ago people have dreamed to fly into the blue sky, and for those years that only just a dream until Wright bros had made an airplane to fly into sky.

I describe impossibility like a wall, when you want to do something, first you must to do is break that wall and make it happen. It sound like easy, but in reality is not such piece of cake. Peoples who believe if impossible are trying over his time, and at the end, they succeed by trial and error.

Thanks to reading my writes. Next time I will write does the possibility is exist, and grey cloud philosophy.  J

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011


We are often heard that euthanasia is prohibited in our country because many reason, and at the same time in many countries euthanasia is legalized because Death or alive is his own right. So what do you thing? Did our country do a wrong or right choose for euthanasia? Legalized or prohibited it? I am sure Indonesia has done the right thing. Euthanasia must prohibit in our country.

Our criminal research is still not good enough, so no one know if one euthanasia a fake euthanasia or not. When someone had euthanasia and died, he could not give any explanation but only he has any document. Then, thankful for God give us many people have powerful hijacking skill, so they can create a fake document easily, or we have many people can talk with no truth inside. Therefore, there can be many mistakes to prove if someone is euthanasia by his want or he is euthanasia forced by someone.

Our Country make ‘God is the Greatest’ for top priority based one Pancasila number one, then in big five religion in our country self-killing is prohibited. From Islam into Buddha does not teach us about self-killing, they teach us to respect our life, whenever is done. Then Indonesia law cannot make euthanasia legalized because it does not have any relation with Religion view.

Euthanasia can make more self-killing incident. In Indonesia many tragedy its make by someone who want to die (self-killing), so he jump from the top of building et cetera. Euthanasia its can be the shortest way to die without a pain. So you can imagine if euthanasia is legalized.

Because of two reasons above, I sure Euthanasia is not eligible in Indonesia, which have a good religion view and still not have a good criminal research. When Euthanasia legalized in other country, in cant be in Indonesia.

Quiz 2 V3

Part I
1. She speaks four languages.
2. Those shoes costtoo much.
3. Do they play hockey every Sunday?
4. It is an apple, not a banana
5. Does she know him?
6. He has a dog
7. They have a house
8. We are students
9. I worked at the hospital last year
10. Did you go to school yesterday?
11. I was a student last year
12. We were to his party last night
13. I am eating the rice right now
14. They are meeting him at 5pm today
15. I want to go to college.
16. I must go your foods

Part II
1. I was gardening when he comes
2. Have you been to Sydney?
3. You have grown since the last time I saw you
4. James has not finished his homework yet.
5. I flew to Germany last week
6. I drew the picture last year
7. I finished the work last evening
8. At midnight, we were still driving through the desert

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

The Best Teacher

“Orang yang berguru kepada pengalaman, akan memimpin orang yang cerdas dan pandai." Mario Teguh

we often heard that experience is a best teacher in the world. in the other hand, we often heard to if we read books we will know all the world with a words, in the other word,  books give we some knowledge. Than we get a question. Which one the best way of learning? Books or experience?  I choose Experience is the best teacher, because the best books came from the best writer experience.

I sure, after you buy some books you will try what the book said. The book only said how to make something, but dont say what it will be or what it feels. It same when we buy some books ‘how to make a roti cane’ (I use word roti because the name of that cake is roti cane, so it is wrong if I use cane cake), do we will sure understand after we read all those books? no. we must to try, feel it, and see what’s wrong with your cane. The point is we must have experience how is feels when we make a roti cane, without experience, we cannot make a great cake. However, it has an exception when what subject was you read is ‘when you feels after you die’ you do not have to get experience to know what it can be.

After you buy a book, you cannot sure know what he told before you try it. Why I can say that? Human have a 3 ways to learn something, by read it, by hear it, or by do it. The biggest impact to know what to doing something is by does it. Why you must travel around the world when you know what its feels by read the book? Why you must try to make an example roti cane when you can success in your first roti cane? You can’t sure know ‘what is the book said’ when you not try it before.

I believe, Even the writers must have an experience to write a books. The good books cannot write by only imagine it, but the writers must have experience and he write it on a paper. Whatever the book is, even thought the fiction books, like harry potter, there is something that we can learned, example is a moral lesson. The writers must truly know about that moral lesson, than he writes it on a book. in our previous example ‘hot to make roti cane’ the writers must have a experience how to make a roti cane right? Then he wrote in his book. Than I can say, the book without an experience inside is nothing.  

at least we can sure which one the best teacher is. By know which one the teacher who tells about what it feels doing something,  and which one teacher make sure you about something, and which one called the teacher of teacher. we can sure that the Experience told us more than books.

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

The death penalty can be mandatory for people kill the other people.

Sometimes there a crime, which we cannot give forgiveness, like kill each other, corruption, blowing some places, cannibalism, et cetera. When we could not give him forgiveness means we must stop this happen again. That so we could use Death Penalty. Death Penalty means someone who done a not excused crime must die. They let in die, not just let him until he dying, but we must kill him when date is come.

Death Penalty has a two effect, one effect for a short term and one more is a long term effect. The short one is for stopping the crime is happen again with a same person. Example when one man do a crime like corruption and he did judge in a court and he did jail, it can’t be impossible if he do corruption again like he did before when he is free. In fact many persons do a same crime twice or more, so for stop he do it again we must kill him or in other word, death penalty must be legalized. The long one is the psychology effect because death penalty can make the other people dare to do a forgiveness crime like the ‘who do the forgiveness crime’ does, because the long term effect, the forgiveness crime can be daring to do

Death Penalty also helping the law system, because when someone do a forgiveness crime, the prosecutor not use to look ‘who is the one who do the forgiveness crime’ but he just judge him to death penalty because the law is obvious. When the law system is clear like that, possibility someone have a lighter punishment is smaller than before.

Because of three refutation in up of this words, we can concluded if someone caught did a forgiveness crime, someone other must kill him with a death penalty legalized system.

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

I Will be here for You (original music vid) HQ

When you feel the sunlight

Fade into the cold night

Don't know where to turn

I don't know where to turn

And all the dreams you're dreaming

Seem to lose their meaning

Let me in your world

Baby, let me in your world

All you need is someone you can hold

Don't be sad, you're not alone


I will be here for you

Somewhere in the night

Somewhere in the night

I'll shine a light for you

Somewhere in the night

I'll be standing by

I will be here for you

In this world of strangers

Of cold and friendly faces

Someone you can trust

Oh there's someone you can trust

I will be your shelter

I'll give you my shoulder

Just reach out for my love

Reach out for my love

Call my name and my heart will hear

I will be there, there's nothing to fear


I will be here for you

Somewhere in the night

Somewhere in the night

I'll shine a light for you

Somewhere in the night

I'll be standing by

I will be here for you

101 Waysto Learn English

Here are 101 things (in no particular order) for you to think about for improving your English.

  1. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be confident. People can only correct your mistakes when they hear you make them.
  2. Surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking.
  3. Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. Establish a routine.
  4. Tell your family and friends about your study plan. Get them to push you to study and also don’t let them interrupt you.
  5. Practise the 4 core skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. They all need to be worked on for you to improve.
  6. Keep a notebook of new words you learn. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least 3 times when you speak.
  7. Visit EC’s free learn English website at least once a day and complete a lesson.
  8. Memorisation of lists is one of the most common ways of learning vocabulary for a test. It's only a good exercise for short term studying because you often do not retain the information that you have learned for a test.
  9. Use your body clock. If you’re not a morning person, study in the afternoon.
  10. You will find words easier to remember if you try to remember an example sentence using that word rather the word on its own.
  11. Plan to take a test. You’ll find that you work harder when you need to study for something.
  12. Saying that, it’s better not to study just to take a test. Think of the bigger picture. What can you do when you have a good command of English? How will the quality of your life improve?
  13. Give yourself a long term goal. Focus on working towards it.
  14. Give yourself short term goals too and reward yourself when you achieve each one.
  15. Create an atmosphere in which you want to learn, not because you have to. You’ll learn more when you’re learning because you want to.
  16. Know what works best for you. Think about what methods have been successful for you in the past and stick with them.
  17. Figure out how you learn. It can be by memorising, reading, speaking, summarising or other methods. Find out how you study best. It can be in a quiet place by yourself or with a group.
  18. Get help! If you don’t understand something you’ve got to ask someone. Ask your teacher, classmates or friends for help.
  19. Review! Review! Review! Make sure that you take the time to review things you have studied in the past.
  20. It’s not a good idea to study on your own for more than 30 minutes at a time. Take regular breaks, get some fresh air and stretch your legs.
  21. Don’t be in such a hurry to move up a level. Concentrate on the level you are at now.
  22. Watch DVDs rather than TV. It’s better to use something that you can watch over again to catch information you might have missed the first time.
  23. Watching TV only gives you the chance to hear something correctly first time. This is better for high level students. It can be great practice for speaking to native English speakers so you don’t have to ask them to repeat themselves!
  24. Read graded readers. These books are especially written for your level. Read a whole novel. You can do it! You’ll feel great afterwards.
  25. Children’s books have easier words and are a good alternative to graded readers.
  26. Newspapers are a good place to find passive constructs. Read through an article and see if you can find the passive sentences.
  27. Read for the general meaning first. Don’t worry about understanding every word, then go back and look up new words.
  28. For a word you don’t understand in a sentence, look at the other words around it. They will give you a hint. Try to guess the meaning from the context.
  29. Learn root words. They’ll help you guess the meaning of words. For example: scrib = write, min= small
  30. When you learn a new word, think of all its other forms: Beautiful (adjective), beauty (noun),beautifully (adverb).
  31. Learn prefixes (dis-, un-, re-) and suffixes (-ly, -ment, -ful), these will help you to figure out the meaning of words and build your vocabulary.
  32. English, unlike Japanese or French, uses word stress. For new words, count the syllables and find where the stress is. Only one stress per word and always on a vowel. Two syllable verbs have a stress on the second syllable (beGIN). 2 syllable nouns (TEAcher) and adjectives (HAPpy) stress the first.
  33. Use English whenever you can. It’s as simple as that!
  34. Don’t translate into English from your own language. Think in English to improve your fluency. Talk to yourself…but not on the bus otherwise people will think you have gone crazy!
  35. You can’t learn English from a book. Like driving a car, you can only learn through doing it.
  36. The most natural way to learn grammar is through talking.
  37. Keep an English diary or journal. Start by writing a few sentences a day and then get into the habit of writing more.
  38. Why not start an online blog and share your writings with the world?
  39. To become a better writer brainstorm as many ideas and thoughts onto paper without worrying about grammar or spelling. Then think about the structure. After that, write your piece using good grammar and spelling. Finally, read it through or give it to someone else to check for mistakes.
  40. Keep an eye on your punctuation as it can totally change what you’re trying to say. Check out the difference in meaning between these two sentences: “A woman without her man is nothing” and “A woman: without her, man is nothing”.
  41. Sing your heart out! Show the world your beautiful voice! Learn English songs and sing along with them to improve fluency and intonation… anyone for Karaoke?
  42. Get a penfriend or use chat-rooms, forums and community sites. If you can’t speak to someone in English, this is the next best thing.
  43. Shadow English CDs. Listen to a few sentences then repeat what you heard. Focus on the rhythm and intonation.
  44. Have English radio on in your house. Even if you are not actively listening to it, you will still be training your ears.
  45. Mirror CDs. Read out loud along with a CD. Again, this is great for intonation, pronunciation and rhythm.
  46. Dictation. Listen to a CD or friend and write down what you hear.
  47. Nobody likes to hear their own voice, but be brave and try it! Record your voice and listen to your pronunciation and intonation. It will help you to identify your problem areas.
  48. Ask your helpful teacher if you can record his lesson. This is a great way to review. You can also listen to your teachers speaking speed and intonation.
  49. Use an English/English dictionary as it will help you to keep thinking in English and not translating.
  50. If an English/English dictionary seems scary, there are learner’s dictionaries for English students of your level.
  51. Don’t become too reliant on your dictionary. Your dictionary should be an aid, not your main teacher. Try to guess the meaning of words rather than going straight for your dictionary.
  52. Don’t give up! Stay positive! Sometimes you will feel that you aren’t learning quickly enough. Everyone feels like this, don’t worry about it. You’ll get there in the end.
  53. Enjoy it! We learn more when we are having fun!
  54. If you get nervous when speaking, take two deep breaths before you say something. You’ll speak better when you feel relaxed.
  55. Keep yourself motivated by looking back at the textbooks and CDs you used in the past. You’ll be surprised at how easy they seem to you now! Congratulations, your level is improving!
  56. You are never too young or too old to start learning English. Don’t make excuses not to learn. What are you waiting for?
  57. Procrastination can stop you from being successful. To stop procrastinating, it's important you understand if your procrastinating is to avoid studying, or if it is your bad habit.
  58. If you haven’t gotten the results you wanted yet, it’s not because you’re bad at languages, it’s because you haven’t found your own special way of learning yet.
  59. Use resources which match your level. Don’t use texts/listening exercises which are too difficult or too easy. Use materials which challenge you but don’t frustrate you.
  60. Don’t worry about making your accent perfect. It’s an important part of your cultural identity to keep your accent. Native English speakers enjoy hearing English spoken with an accent.
  61. There are many types of English: British, American, South African and so on. None of these are wrong or not as important. English is English.
  62. Instead, be aware of the differences in American and British English and use your words accordingly. For example: Elevator (US) / Lift (British).
  63. Carry cue cards with you. These are small cards which you can write new words on. You can pull them out and look at them whenever you a free minute.
  64. Use post-it notes and stick them around your home. You can use them to label things. Stick one on your pet dog!
  65. You can’t ignore phrasal verbs (two words verbs), there are hundreds of them in English and they’re widely used. The more you focus on their meaning, the more you’ll be able to guess the meaning of new ones. You’ll start to recognise their patterns.
  66. Use your intuition. Go with your gut feeling, you’ll be surprised how often your first guess is the right guess. Like we said before, be confident.
  67. Gather your thoughts. Take a second to think about what you’re going to say. You know the grammar, but maybe you don’t use it correctly when you speak.
  68. Meet new people. Make the effort to mix with English speakers in your town. You could join a club or go to bars where foreigners hang out. Buy one a drink, they love that!
  69. Be the person to start conversations in English. Try to keep the conversations moving and use listening words (‘really?’ / ‘go on…’/ ‘what happened then?’) Don’t wait for others to speak to you. Get in there!
  70. Debate. Discuss topics in a group. Each person should choose a viewpoint (even if you don’t agree with it) and debate it within the group. Make sure you get your point across. Learn to listen actively. Active listening will help in the classroom and it will help you get more out of, and contribute more to, group study sessions. Focus on the person who is talking. Don’t fidget or become distracted by other people or events. Concentrate on the speaker with your ears and eyes. Follow the movements the speaker makes in an effort to hear more. It may help to repeat what you hear others say in an effort to understand their thoughts.
  71. It’s not enough to only learn English words. You can teach a parrot English words but that doesn’t mean it can speak English! You still need to have an understanding of grammar.
  72. Verb tenses are used by English speakers to talk about the timing of actions. You might not have the same expressions in your own language. It’s important that you know these tenses and when to use them.
  73. English has many irregular verbs. You should drill yourself on them.
  74. Keep it up! If you take a break from speaking English, you will find that your level decreases and all your hard work has been wasted.
  75. Don’t be put off by a bad test score. Sometimes students have the ability to pass an English test, but can’t communicate well with English speakers. If you can speak freely in English, you should be proud of yourself.
  76. Remember that as long as you have tried your hardest, you have succeeded!
  77. Learn English with a friend. You’ll have someone you can practice with and you can motivate each other to study.
  78. Remember, the way we write English is not the same as how it’s pronounced. For example ‘Ough’ has over 6 pronunciations. Familiarise yourself the Phonetic Alphabet. It will help you correctly pronounce words in the dictionary.
  79. Get used to the ‘schwa’ sound (?) - an unstressed and toneless neutral vowel sound. ‘Schwa’ is the most common vowel sound in English. For example, the 'a' in about and the 'u' in supply.
  80. Keep in mind that it takes longer to improve when our level is high. Usually the fastest progress is made when we are beginners. Don’t think that you’re suddenly not learning anymore, it’s just a less noticeable progress.
  81. Make sure that your English matches the occasion. It’s OK to use slang with friends but not in a business meeting. Decide in which situation it’s appropriate to use the words and phrases you have learned.
  82. Textbook English is often different from the way we casually speak. To learn casual ‘slang’ watch movies.
  83. Idioms can be difficult to memorise, but they are great fun to use and they’ll make your English more colourful.
  84. When talking we usually link words together so that two words can sound like one. Simply put, we link words ending with a consonant sound to words beginning with a vowel sound (consonant > vowel). We link words ending with a vowel sound to words beginning with a vowel sound (vowel > vowel). Practice these to improve your listening and pronunciation.
  85. Make use of the internet. It’s full of resources to help you learn: BBC Learning English ;learnenglish.ecenglish.com
  86. Think about your strong and weak points. Write down which areas you want to improve on and work on improving them. Of course, don’t ignore your strong points. Congratulate yourself on how well you’ve done!
  87. Unlearn your mistakes. You probably make the same grammar mistakes over and over again. Use English tests results as a study tool. Go over your mistakes and choose one or two that you want to focus on. Use your favourite grammar book to check rules.
  88. Use the correct article (a/an, the). Be aware that there is more to this rule than a/an= non specific, the=specific. For example: A university (not an university because it begins with a consonant sound). An hour (not a hour because the ‘h’ is often silent).
  89. For fluency, try image training. Before you go to that restaurant think through what the waiter is likely to say to you. Think of what phrases you are going to use.
  90. Much communication comes through body language and gesture. These can be different between cultures and countries. For example, the two-fingered "V" for victory symbol is fine palms-out. If you make it with you palm facing toward you, you'll offend a British person. It means…well, you ask a British person and find out for yourself!
  91. The easiest one - Sleep! You’ll learn more after a good night’s sleep. You’ll be able to concentrate more.
  92. Take an English course in an English speaking country.
  93. If you studying abroad, mix with people from other countries not only people from your own country. It’s not a good idea for you to live in a shared house with people from your own country. Enjoy a more cultural experience by spending time with other nationalities.
  94. Have you thought about getting a job or doing an internship abroad?
  95. Get yourself a qualified teacher. Who wants to learn wrong things?
  96. Nobody can learn all of the English language. No need to worry about trying. A useful shortcut to learning is that in English we have lots of words that have the same pronunciation, but a different spelling and meaning. For example, ‘come here’ has the same pronunciation as, ‘I canhear the birds’. You might find it easier to build vocabulary by knowing the different meanings.
  97. Once you have a basic level of English explore the different ways you can say the same thing. This makes your English more interesting to the listener and it shouldn’t be too difficult for you because you already know the basics. For example, how many ways can we say, ‘Goodbye' in English?
  98. When you are on your English course, be prepared for your class. Do your homework as soon as possible and hand it in on time. Review your notes and your last lesson a few minutes before the class. Doing this will refresh your memory and you'll be warmed up for lesson.
  99. Don't get distracted in class. Focus on the lesson, don't stare out of the window. Don't be late, arrive a few minutes before the start of the lesson. Don't sit next to people who won't speak to you in English. Switch off your phone. Be organised, remember to take your textbook, notebook and pen.
  100. Find a comfortable, peaceful place for quiet study. You need somewhere where you can focus 100%.
    i copy it from http://www.ecenglish.com/101-ways-to-learn-englishthanks Ardine for the link :*